I see increasingly midsized companies using idea management systems to qualify ideas for development.
In my eyes, that is a waste of resources.
Ideas are more than just a few words on a Post-it or in some software.
Much more important is the idea owner(s).
What is the vision for it, and what problem do they try to tackle? How passionate is he about it?
Giving the evaluation into the hands of someone that has no personal connection to that topic kills valuable ideas because of the "Not invented here -syndrome".
Doing innovation needs much perseverance. This works only if you are really committed to the idea and are passionate about it.
This is not the case when ideas are clicked through software.
And another important point.
The same idea can be valuable and not valuable. It depends on the framing.
So, where is the focus. What specific challenge do you want to solve for your organization? What is the innovation assignment?
Mostly there is none, and then you do not see the valuable ideas because ideas only are valuable when you know that they help you to make progress on a specific topic.
So if you're using a fantastic idea management software, and you still suck at generating real innovative and convincing business cases, maybe you should try something else. And you still can keep the software.
Instead of constantly doing idea research and evaluation, do it in intervals.
When you see your development pipeline getting empty, or you feel you need new products for the future.
You make a fully immersed innovation journey with a team of 7-10 people from start to end.
From the innovation assignment, so everybody knows what is needed, to a deep understanding of your customers, to generating thousands of ideas and selecting the best ones. To test it with customers and make business cases for the TOP 5.
In the end, you will have five Business cases for innovative products and services that fit your business challenge perfectly and are supported by management. You also have a team and management that is passionate about it.
With this, you will be able to prioritize your development and know what you will launch when in the year or years.
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