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5 IMPORTANT TIPS - to make your product idea convincing

You want to make sure you have the right idea. This guide gives tips that help you identify if your idea is worth proceeding with.

What customers do not tell you

Learn what customers are not saying and build better products.


How to make your idea convincing with a good story

You have a fantastic idea and need to make it convincing?
This workbook helps you to create a simple but convincing story for your product idea.

where to play

WHERE TO PLAY – 3 steps for discovering your most valuable market opportunities

"Where to Play" is a guidebook by Marc Gruber and Sharon Tal that helps entrepreneurs and corporates to find the new markets for their products. ...

Presentation – Innovation with Circular Economy

A presentation of why and how to innovate with Circular Economy[tcb-script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"][/tcb-script] ...

Jobs-to-Be-Done Framework

Jobs-to-Be-Done Presentation

A presentation of the Jobs-to-Be-Done Framework I did for the FORTH-Innovation Community. Have a look [tcb-script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"][/tcb-script] ...

Innovation Accounting book

INNOVATION ACCOUNTING – A practical guide for measuring your innovation ecosystems performance

Companies aiming to expand through fresh ideas, rather than just using their current business methods, often find that regular accounting reports don't give them the ...

the right it book

THE RIGHT IT – why so many ideas fail and how to make sure yours succeed

the book teaches people how to test their new ideas before spending a lot of time and money on them. Imagine you have a cool ...

Sustainable Business Model Design book


In "Sustainable Business Model Design," experts Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Henning Breuer, and Lorenzo Massa delve into the realm of sustainable business strategies. They discuss its essence, ...


 The book provides a blueprint for businesses aiming to innovate and stay competitive in today's fast-paced market. The book introduces frameworks and tools for companies ...

AI TOOL for different Innovation steps

Test, pivot or generate ideas in minutes with the free AI tools from Board of InnovationWhat I like about it:Can be used as an additional ...

SHAPING FUTURES – strategically explore, design and negotiate future scenarios

Shaping futures - also known as design futuring - is a young field of activity for designers. With the means of design, creative people sketch ...

DEMAND SIDE SALES – Stop Selling and help your customers make progress

For a lot of us, selling feels icky. Our stomachs tighten at the thought of reciting features and benefits, or pressuring customers into purchasing. It's ...

Gaviotas - book

GAVIOTAS – a village to reinvent the world

The Incredible Story of a living utopia They had no money, just an idea. They founded a thriving village called Gaviotas - in the middle ...